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Customers LOVE ActiVHeat Jackets.
Everyone is raving about ActiVHeat Heated Jackets! ActiVHeat customers love their ActiVHeat heated jackets! Whether for
cheering on your favorite football team, working outdoors, or taking hikes in frigid temperatures, the votes are in - ActiVHeat jackets are "the coolest thing ever," "far exceeds expectations," and and "great." Thanks, customers! Scroll down to read testimonials from ActiVHeat customers.
Not only do our customers love their ActiVHeat heated gear, but the press does, too.
Click on the image below to watch a clip from NBC's TODAY show recommending ActiVHeat heated apparel. Recommended by TV Network ABC-7 Eyewitness News in New York! TestimonialsI just wanted to say THANK YOU. Working outdoors has never been so enjoyable, that jacket works wonderfully well! Best, Miriam - "Miriam," New York, New York.
Thank you. I received the battery Saturday and used it for the Steeler's game Sunday. It is now my lucky jacket. The best part was, I was warm for the close to 4 hours spent outside. The green setting was enough heat for the whole time. I am looking forward to this Sunday beating the Ravens and being warm again sitting at the same. Thank you again. P.S. hope I don't need it for the Super Bowl In Tampa. - "Lanny," Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Far exceeds expectations would sum up the Heated Jackets. My wife and I have used the jackets for four weeks now and have nothing but praise for the products. We are out hiking for one to two hours through open country two hours before dawn every day. My clothing, pre-heated jacket, consisted of a base layer long sleeved thermal undershirt, a thermal Turtle Neck shirt, a hooded sweatshirt, a Polar Fleece under jacket and a Gortex outer shell. When the jackets first arrived we substituted them for the Polar Fleece jacket but found we were too hot; not too warm; too hot. Slowly, but only because we could not believe this was possible, we shed layer by layer until now I am now able to walk very comfortably with just a long sleeved wishing runners shirt and the Heated Jacket. In rain or snow I add the Gortex Outer shell for protection. As I walk "hotter" than my wife I often walk without the jacket heating element in use, however, when I stop I cool down very fast so I turn on the jacket just before we stop and it keeps me warm whilst stationary. Recently at 5:30am we were hiking the top of a Bluff in temperatures of minus 20 Celsius with a 31kph wind taking the temperature down to minus 32 Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit, 19mph, -26 Fahrenheit) I simply wore the long sleeved wicking runners shirt, the Heated Jacket on Low setting and Goretex shell and was fine. Even when we stopped for a break and managed to find a sheltered spot I only has to turn the jacket to Medium. It is such a pleasure to walk without all that bulk. Sincere congratulations on absolutely first class cost effective products that perform so well. - "Nick," Ontario Canada.
I bought this for my husband and he didn't want it. He said I could keep it, so I tried it and love it. - "Mom," Connecticut
When it first started warming the jacket up I was not impressed. When I put it on... I LOVED IT!!! It really works in keeping you warm. It works great for me because I am constantly in and out of the car and I can have a light weight fleece with extra warmth on those really cold days. - "Ams the mom," Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Overall a great product. Like that you can unplug and remove the battery pack if it isn't needed, and its still a stylish fleece jacket. - "The golfer," St. Louis, Missouri.
THE fabric stops the wind and heating elements keep me toasty. - "Gary," Amarillo, Texas.
I bought this for my son who goes to college where it is cold. I was very skeptical, but it was the reviews that convinced me to buy it, He has totally LOVED it from the first day and all his friend are downright jealous and think it's the coolest thing ever. It keeps him nice and warm as promised. He usually wears it underneath a coat, and we discussed whether she should have returned it for just a vest, but opted for the whole jacket. He's only has it a couple of weeks, so time will tell, but right now I'm thrilled with it! - "Mom to college student," Seattle, Washington.
Jacket Works Well and Looks Nice - Jacket works as expected, but is not supposed to get wet, so one can't wear it in the rain; Battery last 1-5 hours depending on how high you set the heat. Heated areas of the jacket are Heated areas of the jacket are in the from of the chest and the mid to upper back. Not heated in the arm areas. Charging takes up to three hours, but battery lasts fairly long for normal use. I like the jacket as it does give warmth desired in the covered areas. The control is easy to use, has 3 levels of heat with a different color light that represents the heating levels. The battery is not that heavy and fits nicely in an inside pocket on the lower left side. You know it's there, but it's not obtrusive. It looks pretty nice and the waist and cuffs are adjustable for a snug fit. - "Ron the Walker," Los Angeles, California.
Great gift for my Dad!- My Dad goes into the cold a lot. This will keep him warm! - "Butch," Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
Warm and Comfortable - For anyone that always feels cold - this jacket is great. I wear it inside and we can keep the heat down. - "feeling warmer," from Boston, Massachusetts.
My wife loves it - My wife was always cold, we live in New England, with this jacket I haven't heard a complaint and the temp this morning was -5. - "charlie b," Chicopee, Massachusetts.
very useful for cold days - "Ed the runner," Hustisford, Wisconsin.
Good Reliable Product - Great product. Easy to setup and charge. All pockets are very accessible. - "Joe Blow," Chicago, Illinois.
Great for those who are cold intolerant and don't like heavy coats/scarves. - "Married to a cold-wimp," Bostom, Massachusetts.
Works like a charm - I use this item nearly everyday. I work in the outdoors on a cold and windy street in NYC and I can tell you without question, this makes life much easier. If you've got to be outside where it's cold, you'll want to use this for sure. - "canman56," New York City, New York.
Don't let the cold slow you down - Great idea, comfortable light and keeps you warm. Need an extra battery or two for long outings. - "Not so cold," South Jersey, New Jersey.
Great Heated Jacket! - I bought this for my husband to use in the spring and fall when he does for motorcycle rides. It keeps him warm on those chilly days and nights. - "wonderful wife," Maine.
Everything your ad said was true!!!! - I purchased this jacket for my son that works outdoors in very cold weather. He thinks it is so great some of his co-workers are now purchasing them. - "JJ the dancer," Vacaville, California.
We love the jacket. It is very warm. - The coat arrived promptly and was easy to assemble. We look forward to using it all winter. - "UK Bill," Lousiville, Kentucky.
This is one hot jacket! - Great jacket to wear running errands or working outdoors. - "jim," Virginia.
Best thing since wool mittens - I recently bought the jacket for my grown daughter. She works outdoors in Colorado mountain winters where temperatures and winds can result in way-below-zero wind chills. She is ecstatic with it. She tells all he co-workers about it and has given them info on where to buy. - "Rosie the Mom," Laramie, Wyoming.